Mallie Loring Pratt
- Mallie Loring PrattSpring Streamoil on canvas12 x 9"$ 900.00
- Mallie Loring PrattOlson House Barnoil on canvas10 x 10"$ 950.00
- Mallie Loring PrattPink Rockoil on canvas20 x 20"$ 2,100.00
- Mallie Loring PrattStone Wall Crossingoil on canvas24 x 36"$ 3,800.00
- Mallie Loring PrattShed on Baker'soil on canvas36 x 48"$ 6,200.00
- Mallie Loring PrattGrey Dayoil on canvas48 x 60"Sold
- Mallie Loring PrattClimb In, 2021oil on canvas60 x 48"Sold
- Mallie Loring PrattFiddle Headsoil on canvas9 x 12"Sold
- Mallie Loring PrattChamplain, 2021oil on canvas10 x 10"Sold
- Mallie Loring PrattSeal Cove Beach in Winteroil on panel9 x 12"Sold
- Mallie Loring PrattSeal Cove Winteroil on panel12 x 9"Sold
- Mallie Loring PrattForsythia Passing Ioil on panel12 x 9"Sold
- Mallie Loring PrattRock Studyoil on canvas6 x 8"Sold
- Mallie Loring PrattRock Walkoil on paper35 x 27"Sold
- Mallie Loring PrattBlueberry Field after Burningoil on canvas24 x 30"Sold
- Mallie Loring PrattRock Hoppingoil on canvas8 x 8"Sold
- Mallie Loring PrattSpring Maples and Spruceoil on canvas30 x 40"Sold
- Mallie Loring PrattSaplingoil on canvas36 x 48"Sold
- Mallie Loring PrattTremont High Tideoil on canvas15 x 30"Sold
- Mallie Loring PrattAugust Meadowoil on canvas26 x 42"Sold
- Mallie Loring PrattSeal Cove Pathoil on canvas30 x 40"Sold
- Mallie Loring PrattHouse on Bakersoil on canvas8 x 8"Sold
- Mallie Loring PrattJune Field (Lupine)oil on canvas8 x 10"Sold
- Mallie Loring PrattApril Glowoil on canvas14 x 11"Sold
- Mallie Loring PrattBlack Islandoil on canvas9 x 12"Sold
- Mallie Loring PrattThuya Garden Echinaceaoil on canvas18 x 24"Sold
- Mallie Loring PrattForsythia IIoil on canvas8 x 8"Sold
- Mallie Loring PrattAugust Zinniasoil on canvavs8 x 8"Sold
- Mallie Loring PrattQueen Anne's Lace in Fogoil on canvas40 x 30"Sold
- Mallie Loring PrattTremont Rocksoil on canvas30 x 48"Sold
- Mallie Loring PrattSeal Cove Fogoil on canvas8 x 8"Sold
- Mallie Loring PrattSpruces on the Edgeoil on canvas10 x 10"Sold
- Mallie Loring PrattSwimming Rockoil on canvas9 x 12"Sold
- Mallie Loring PrattAfter the Rainoil on canvas8 x 8"Sold
- Mallie Loring PrattAcross the Soundoil on canvas24 x 36"Sold
- Mallie Loring PrattCove Viewoil on canvas10 x 10"Sold
- Mallie Loring PrattDancing Rocksoil on canvas20 x 20"Sold
- Mallie Loring PrattJuly Bloomsoil on canvas48 x 60"Sold
- Mallie Loring PrattLittle Orchard Meadowoil on canvas24 x 30"Sold
- Mallie Loring PrattMossy Woodsoil on canvas20 x 16"Sold
Existing in a landscape is not a static experience. My paintings explore memory, history, and sensory encounters in the natural world. They are meant to feel active and layered, representing the ways in which we breathe, walk, run or drive through a landscape. What do we notice? What has been there for 300 years and what is just emerging? Each painting is an attempt to piece together the emotional, nostalgic, and sometimes problematic aspects of change in the natural world, as mimicked in our own lives and bodies.
Pratt earned her BFA from Rhode Island School of Design in 2009. Her work focuses on the relationship between individuals and the natural world. With a background in the study of many art media and landscape architecture, Pratt now works from her studio in Ipswich, MA.
Her work is in private collections in California, Montana, New York, and throughout New England. Pratt has shown work at Montserrat College of Art, the RISD Museum, and is a member of the Essex Art Collective.