Emily Freeman
Emily FreemanHiraethfelted wool35 x 30 x 2"$ 1,700.00
Emily FreemanTidal Wave 2felted wool31 x 51 x 2"$ 1,850.00
Emily FreemanAlda, 2023felted wool39 x 25 x 2"Sold
Emily FreemanRiver 17, 2023felted wool22 x 68 x 2"Sold
Emily FreemanAlbafelted wool27 x 40 x 2"Sold
Emily FreemanRiver 18felted wool20 x 52 x 2"Sold
Emily FreemanNebulosafelted wool41 x 22 x 2"Sold
Emily FreemanCommissionfelted wool59" x 22" x 2"Sold
About the artist
I draw inspiration from the Maine coast to create work which explores our relationship to the natural world and elements. Working primarily in undyed wool sourced from New England farms I use wet felting technique to challenge our common beliefs of how textiles should be; replacing lightness and fluidity with stillness and weight.